Renewed Hope
“Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking.” This poem became a song, and that song accompanied me on a pilgrimage that I will never forget: the “Camino de Santiago”. For a week, we walked from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, in the majestic region of Galicia, Spain. Looking back, I realize that truthfully, life is a continuous walk.
Today is the perfect time to reflect on the path you are taking, assess where you are spiritually, and, if necessary, adjust the path. This message is not only about December 31, 2024, the day I am writing it, nor is it a simple New Year’s resolution. Today is the day you read these lines, and it is the ideal time to ask yourself – where you’re going? Take a moment to begin a journal, write down today’s date, and focus on this new cycle around the sun, just as you do on your birthday. Now is the time to create a simple a spiritual plan and an examination of your conscience to keep you focused each day.
A New Trip around the Sun
Step One: How to Get Started?
Prayer is key. Call upon the Holy Spirit and turn to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, asking for wisdom and for your mind and heart to be opened to see the world through the eyes of God’s. You mayeven meditate for a few minutes on the verse from Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know very well the plans I have for you, plans for prosperity and not for calamity, to give you a future full of hope, the word of Yahweh.” The Creator desires the best for each of us. The key to this moment is to open a sacred space of connection between the Trinity and your deepest self.
Second step: Define your goal
This step is summarized by defining what you want to achieve in this spiritual journey. Reflect in practical terms:
Third Step: What to do in your space?
Some ideas about your internship can be:
There seem to be many questions but consider them simply as guides for your spiritual discernment. I suggest starting a journal, something you can return to when you need to assess your progress.
Fourth Step: The Daily Exam
To maintain focus, use this simple and brief test. Each day, with the spirit of thanksgiving, write in your journal the blessings that marked your day. Include times when you felt close to God, as well as times when you perceived His absence. Remember then that it is your perception, He always is and is there. Close this time by putting your rest and your priorities for the next day in God’s hands.
Conclusion: Beginning the New Journey
Don’t worry about whether this exercise is simple or how long your first attempt takes. This is just an introduction to the spiritual exercises, which you may want to explore further in the future.
Throughout this walk, you will learn to maintain a steady pace, which comes after having experienced the fast pace of a successful tour and the slower pace of difficult paths.
Those already traveled and those that still must traveled. Everything has a purpose, if you remember that, like the wayfarers at Emmaus, Jesus walks beside you, even when you don’t recognize him.
Discover the wonderful plans the Father has for you! Every day is a new beginning, a new return to the sun! We will gladly accompany you on this path.
Walker, happy new trip around the sun!